Review of Book Burn After Writing by Sharon Jones

Caylei Caldwell, Copy Editor, Feature Editor, News Editor

Picture of Burn after writing by Sharon Jones.
Caylei C

For Christmas I received the book by Sharon Jones called Burn After Writing. This interactive book has you open the book to whatever page you want, and choose any question. This book helps me really think about what the questions are asking and challenges me to think about my life. You try to be as honest as possible when writing the answers and when you finish the book, you can toss it, hide it, or burn it. 


Some of the questions ask what your favorite things are or what your fears are. A lot of the questions can be deep and ask about what you would do if you only had 2 weeks to live or what you think the single biggest waste of energy in your life is at the moment. Others are not as deep like what are your top 5 songs. Either way, the questions get you thinking and encourage you to be honest. 


It is definitely worth the 14 dollars. This book calms me down when I am overthinking or stressed. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who is in their head a lot.