Helpful Tricks for Online Learning

With everyone at the high school going virtual this week, here are some tricks to help with virtual learning. 

Caylei Caldwell, Section Editor: Features

With everyone at the high school going virtual this week, here are some tricks to help with virtual learning. 


  • Start with designating one spot to do your school work. If you have one place where you do your Zooms and homework, you will focus more easily. 


  • If you are getting distracted, put your phone in another room. You can also shut it off or put it in a drawer. If you are still getting distracted and your camera is off, go ahead and turn it on. This way your teacher and classmates can see if you are paying attention or not. You can also go to another room with people in it, or leave your room door open. Now, if you start to get off task, your family member can make sure you stay on top of your work. 


  • If you are confused, ask questions. I know how stressful unmuting yourself can be, but just do it. You can also ask your question in the chat. Your future self will thank you and chances are, there is someone who has the same question as you. 


  • Keep a water bottle or snacks near you so you do not have to get up during the meeting. This way, you do not miss anything. 


  • Ask your teachers for the meeting ID and password, write them all down, and download zoom on your phone. You can have the zoom meeting on your phone, and your schoolwork on your Chromebook. This also helps you not use your phone during class. 


  • Try to get your homework done the day it is assigned. It is very hard to be motivated during this time, but if you get it all done right away, you do not have to worry about it later. 


  • If you are unmotivated, promise yourself a reward if you get a certain amount of homework done. For example, if you have 30 math problems assigned, tell yourself that when you get it completed you get a 10 minute break on your phone. 


I know this time is very hard, but this is a learning experience for everyone. Just keep trying your best and know that you are not alone. Every kid in America is trying to figure out online learning.